Home Fire Safety
Don't become a statistic. Knowing what to do in a fire and how to keep your home fire safe could save your life.
A fire in your home can be devastating, even fatal. Once a fire starts it can spread rapidly, putting you and your loved ones at risk. While the dangers of fire are very real, there is a lot you can do to protect yourself, your family and your home.
The Tasmania Fire Service responds to more than 350 house fires each year. Tasmania has one of the highest fire fatality rates per person in Australia.
The Tasmania Fire Service is committed to keeping communities safe by sharing home fire safety strategies and information with Tasmanians.
The advice in our new Home Fire Safety booklet will help you learn how you can prevent house fires and keep you and your loved ones safe. Making your home fire safe and knowing what to do in the event of a fire can be the difference between life and death.
Additional information can also be found in our series of Home Fire Safety fact sheets.
Fires are fast!

By now, smoke alarms should have detected the fire and alerted your family.

With no warning, the fire will take hold and grow quickly. Poisonous smoke will start to develop, which is often the deadliest part of a fire.

The fire has reached in excess of 800 degrees Celsius. All of the contents in the room will be on fire and it will have spread to other rooms in the house.
Where do home fires start?
Here are the top 4 most common causes of home fires:
Home Fire Safety fact sheets
Please click on the drop-down arrow for fact sheets available in other languages.
- BBQs and outside the home
- Bedroom fire safety
- Caravans, boats and mobile property fire safety
- Child safety
- Cigarettes and candles
- Electrical fire safety
- Lithium-ion batteries
- Home Fire Escape Plan
- Extinguishers and fire blankets
- Fire Safety Checklist
- Heat packs
Heating fire safety ▼◀
Kitchen fire safety ▼◀
Smoke alarms ▼◀
- Smoke alarms for the deaf
- Smoke alarms in Rental Properties
- What to do in a fire
- THS Burns Happen Fast A5 poster

Also available
A visual guide to Home Fire Safety.