False Alarm Reduction Project Consultation Paper: Feedback Form Step 1 of 2 50% Instructions: Please provide answers to the questions that have been asked as they relate to the identified categories in which we seek comment. There are no word limits to your responses. Add in yes/ no/ unsure as applicable in your responses Consultation is open from Friday September 1 to Friday November 3, 2023. Collection of Information Before answering any of the questions, or providing any of your details, please ensure you have read and understood the below statements. All submissions and comments will be published. All personal details will remain in confidence and not used beyond the scope of this consultation. Your comments and feedback will only be used to help inform the best way forward for the development of the False Alarm Reduction Strategy. The Tasmania Fire Service will handle your personal information in line with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (View - Tasmanian Legislation Online). For further information relating to how the feedback from this consultation will be used, refer to the relevant section within the False Alarm Reduction Project -Consultation Paper. It is not a requirement of this survey to declare any of your personal details. 1. By making a submission to this consultation you agree to the collection of information you provide in your submission and the use of the information; and non-disclosure of personal information as outlined above.(Required) Agree Do not agree 2. On who’s behalf are you making this submission? (Please select one item only)(Required) I am making this submission on my own behalf. I am making this submission on behalf of a business. I am making this submission on behalf of an industry body. I am making this submission on behalf of a government agency or employee . 3. Are you an DPFEM internal employee, external employee, external stakeholder, retained or volunteer firefighter?(Required) I am an DPFEM internal employee. I am an external employee. I am a retained firefighter. I am a volunteer firefighter I am a external stakeholder Other Please specify The following questions are specific to the consultation relating to false alarm management. Please refer to the consultation paper regarding the information provided, which forms the basis of these questions for your response. Policy & ProceduresDo you have any suggestions or recommendations on particular areas that TFS should target through the development of policy and guidelines that will support the decision-making process to effectively reduce false alarms?(Required)Training of frontline staffWhat advice and support do you require from frontline staff to take action to reduce the occurrence of repeat false alarms?(Required)EducationWhat type of resources would you find useful to assist in reducing the incidence of false alarms? And, what type of information do you require?(Required)The setting of Fees and Charges What considerations do you believe should be incorporated into a methodology for the setting of fees and charges relating to premises with monitored alarms?(Required)Business systems and practices How might TFS be able to provide an improved service to premises owners in the payment of fees and charges related to alarm premises?(Required)Have you any other ideas on how TFS may be able to provide a more efficient and effective service in relation to alarmed premises?(Required)CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.