
Upgrade Monitored ASE

Under Tasmanian Legislation for building occupancy, it is a requirement that some classes of building must have monitored firm Alarm Signaling Equipment (ASE) installed.


The ASE is attached to the building fire alarm to provide early notification to the Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS) when an alarm is activated.

This has two main benefits:

  1. It alerts the building occupants that the detection and/or suppression system has picked up the possibility of a fire within the premise and to take action; and
  2. It provides early notification to firefighters who can then respond in the most efficient and effective way to initiate firefighting operations and undertake life rescue if required.

Since December 2021, the TFS have been working with building Premise Owners and Fire Maintenance Contractors to upgade all installed Romteck 2118 ASE’s to a newer Romteck ASE 4G (dual sim) model.

As at September 2024 the TFS can advise that the majority of required premises have complied with TFS upgrade requirements.  The TFS, as well as Local Government Authority members as the permit authority for building occupancy, will continue to engage with the remaining building owners to ensure all required premises are upgraded by the 28 October deadline.

The TFS would like to thank all Premise Owners and Fire Maintenance Contractors for their assistance with achieving the upgrade of over 2000 monitored premises in Tasmania, ensuring the TFS can respond in the most efficient and effective way to initiate firefighting operations and undertake life rescue if required.

Why the change?

In October 2019 Telstra announced the shutdown of the 3G Telstra network by June 2024.  The current 2118 ASE's in service are 3G only and will cease to work once the network is shutdown.   On the 6th of May 2024, Telstra advised the shutdown date would be extended to the 31st of August 2024, with a further announcement in August 2024, the new revised date for decommissioning will be 28 Octoboer 2024.

The 2118 ASE device is also end of life with the manufacturer Romteck having already introduced the replacement model 3118 Dual SIM 4G device.

What do I have to do?

Prior to the end of 2023 all premises were required to be upgraded to the new model ASE to avoid being cut-off by the 3G network shutdown.  Communication was distributed to all Premise Owners advising them of their upgrade requirements and requesting contact be made with their Fire Alarm Maintenance Contractor.  Premise Owners were further advised, in the event of any equipment failure related to the ASE, repairs will not be carried out but rather a new ASE will be installed.

If your premise has a TFS monitored alarm installed, that has not been upgraded to the new dual sim 4G device please contact your Fire Alarm Maintenance Contractor immediately.  If you do not have a Fire Alarm Maintenance Contractor, please refer to the list provided under Further Information.

Without a working ASE, your premises may be unsafe or unfit for occupation, and may be in breach of the building occupancy permit. 

Cost involved

The cost of the new ASE required for the upgrade and associated additional parts including contractor fees is the responsibility of the monitored premise owner. 

The full costs for the ASE and additional parts are available on the Building Safety Equipment Permits page.


Romteck as the contracted supplier of ASE’s for the Tasmanian Fire Service have advised they will now begin supplying the ASE3119 in their future shipments.

As of April 2023 the TFS now purchase and supply the ASE3119.

Further information on revised installation and guidelines procedures can be found at


For further information on your upgrade requirements please:


Further Information